Sunday, April 3, 2011

Been a little distant!

Well here I am! It has been a few weeks. Got Justin home from NTC and we have been focusing on family time. But now it is back to reality. Justin goes back to work tomorrow and we are back to the normal grind. Although I am looking forward to next Saturday, we are going to the Nascar race :) Yes, I can hear what you are thinking now....."THERE MAKING A LEFT TURRRRRRRNNN" But I was raised on Nascar and it is the 1st night race in Texas and I will be there! It is the little things in life that make me happy.

It is starting to get hotter here, Friday it was 95 and yesterday it was 93 today has been a nice 83 as of right now. I really do like it here, Yes I miss my family and all but I have my husband and my kids here and that is all that I need! All we can do is try and make the most of wherever the Army sends us! So here I am in Texas and I am going to enjoy every minute of it!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Been awhile huh!

Well here I am. Justin has been gone for 4 days now at NTC.....dont as me what it stands for all I know is that He is in California, I am in Texas and I am missing him SO much!! I get to talk to him a couple times a day, if I am lucky :) Why does it seem so hard? I mean I spent 9 months without him, I can do this. So why do I have so much doubt? I miss him so much. I feel like I should have given him one more kiss or one more hug! I mean I see his car in the driveway and I get angry cause I didnt tell him how much he means to me. I totally understand that this is not a deployment it is only a month but it is still tough all the same! My 8 year old told me today that NTC is just like a test deployment that it is getting us ready for the real thing. I dont want to think that way but I know it is true! I know it is coming! Every day that I count down til he is home from NTC is another day closer to deployment! Well that is enough debbie downer for one night! I am off to go and watch Season 2 of Army Wives :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

I made it!

I am so very proud, I made it! I know it kind of sounds petty. Justin was in the field for 2 weeks and he got back at about 1:30 this morning! 2 weeks and I did it! I know people think that it is not that big of a thing but it was my 1st time alone in a new house with just me ad the kids! I am proud of myself.

On to other things. I found out that my mom is coming to see me in March! I am so excited!! She surprised me and bought her tickets and emailed me the confirmation. I am more than excited! By the time she gets here it will be 5 months since I have last seen her. We always saw each other at least once a month so this is a big change.

You know, being a Army wife always comes with some disappointment. Yeah Justin may be home from his 2 weeks in the field but as I just sent him off to work he tells me not to expect him for lunch or getting home at his usual time cause they are having working lunches and working late. Then he will be gone the whole month of March. I really think the Army should start to share just a little bit more! On that note I am going to go and watch some cartoons with Ethan!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Another day...another dirty diaper!

HAHA, sorry I had to laugh at that title! It is pretty perfect. So you know this Army Wife thing is tough...we are all a special breed, well most. You have your crack heads and your drama queens and the ones that think THEY wear their husbands rank and well frankly....lets be honest, YOU DID NOTHING FOR THAT RANK! There are some days that are good and other days that are rough. I have found that I do the SAME thing every day, get up, get kenzie ready and out the door for school, if I am lucky watch one of my shows before Ethan gets up, watch the Disney channel and Nick Jr til nap time and 10-11 then I get a hour to myself! WOW a whole hour.....what to do what to do, by the time I figure it out Ethan is up and time to make lunch then clean and plan dinner, and then bath and bed. WHEW sounds so simple huh. Today I have been pretty lonely though, Justin is still in the field and they keep changing when he is coming home. I know this is the littlest complaint since there are tons of peoples whose hubby are deployed and they are missing them everyday. I have really started to feel alone out here. I really miss home. But I am glad that we are able to do our own thing. I have decided that Army wife is one of the toughest jobs out there and we do not get paid for it! We have to be strong when we feel hopeless and alone. We put on a fake smile and say everything is ok when really we just want to crawl in bed and cry. Today I finally took some time for me and watched 2 of my favorite movies (gotta love tear jerkers)

So here is what I have decided, I love my life and I would not trade it for anything. Yeah my hubby may have been in the field for 2 weeks and I may be feeling lonely but everything gets better when I get a text saying "baby thank you so much in supporting me in everything I do" That is what I live for.

So, I guess on that note it is time to take myself to bed!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A fresh start

Well hi there, so I know I said I was going to really get started on this in November.....well then the holidays came. It was my 1st xmas as a Army wife and it really wasnt too much of a difference, minus the fact that we were not in WA and around the same thing as we were every year. So we decided to go to Az and spend xmas with my dad and brother! 1st time in 21 years that I have gotten to spend xmas with my dad and the 1st time he has ever had his grandkids there :) And the 1st time I spent it with my 19 year old brother! It was so nice and relaxing we were actually there for like a week and a half.

So enough with the holidays, it is now January and I am getting my 1st real taste of Army life. Justin left to go to the field at 0 dark 30 on the 10th and here it is the 20th and we still have 4 days til he comes back. Man it is pretty tough without him here. I have decided that the kids are crankier without him least Ethan is. I think he is the one that takes it the hardest. He knows that dad is at work but he wants him here just as bad as I do! I am really not looking forward to deployment which is coming in July :(

Army life is pretty different. I am like in my own little world and it consists of humvees and camo :) Not that I am complaining. Fort Hood is HUGE it is 360 miles....we are talking HUGE a lot of it are tank ranges and practice fields and firing ranges. SO needless to say when they are out practicing it is usually shaking my grows on you after time, I am starting to be able to tell what they are firing. There are a bunch of different tanks and guns and rockets and missiles and explosives lol. Now dont get me wrong I love my life and I support my hubby 110% but I sure so miss him when he is gone.

Well that is about all for now! promise to write again soon!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ok now I am really going to get started with this!

Hi guys! Well I have made it to Texas (a month ago) and finally starting to get my house all pulled together! Let me tell you this has been tough. Not only did I have to leave a place were I felt safe and I knew my way around and had friends and everything but I left MY home! Now I feel like I am in a foreign place....Although now I am starting to feel more at "home" I have made me some good friends, got me a new puppy.....Her name is Lily she is a mini daschund. I am so happy to finally be here with the hubby though :)I have made a really good friend here. I think that is what makes it a little easier. So now it is time to finish pulling the house together and start thinking about Thanksgiving.....MMMMMM Turkey :) I think the Holidays are going to be the toughest part of all of this. I am missing my mom like crazy! She is planning a trip out here in January but that is not soon enough for me. I am really starting to learn the army motto of "Hurry up and wait" OH also Justin and I finally bought our 1st car all by ourselves :) YAY it is a 2007 Pontiac G6 and it sure is pretty! Well that is about it for now!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Wow its been a while

So lets see where to start! It is now October 1st 2010 and I have 1 week until the movers come to get all my stuff and move me to Fort Hood, here is what I have to look forward to 5-6 LONG days in a car with 2 kids who get antsy after about 2 hours! Oh joy this should be interesting. So Justin was home for just about 3 and a half weeks on leave and it was wonderful! I loved being able to cook big meals again. But now he is in Texas getting all checked into his until and all that and leave it to the military to make it a week long process. Well that is all I can think of for now, but I am sure I will be updating again soon and I will update as we hit the road! Those should be some interesting reads.